Sunday, January 18, 2015

Fat shaming. Don't do it

Today’s rant is not about you.  Or your spouse.  Or the rest of your family.  No, today I would like to put the spotlight on the general public.  Meaning everyone out there except you.

What does everyone else do that is so terrible.  I’m talking about everyone else because I am sure you would never do such a dastardly deed:  it is called fat shaming.  Discrimination against overweight people. You don’t get away with discrimination against skin colour, so why is it that people get away with discrimination against bodies?

As I discussed in a previous post, I know what obese feels like.  And I noticed a couple of things while I dragged my large body around this world:  people spoke to me as if I was dumb.  They would try their best not to look at my large stomach and complimentary big boobs.  The lady at the checkout asked me once how many more months before the baby is due.  And when applying for a new job I realised I could not compete with the slim and trim: studies have shown that employers give preference to the applicant who appears fitter and trimmer.

Strange, considering that in some cultures a full figure is a must if you want to find yourself married.  To those cultures a full figure symbolises wealth.  Thin people are regarded with suspicion, surely they must be ill?

When you see an overweight person, what do you think?  Do you think you poor person, glad it’s not me.  Or do you think that is disgusting, do something about it.  Or do you think hell, hope that never happens to me?  Whatever your thoughts, know this:  that overweight person might have a serious medical condition that prevents them losing weight.  (“It’s in my genes” doesn’t count because that is bullshit, that will be a rant for another day.)

That overweight person you are judging may recently have taken that first step to see a personal trainer.  It took a lot of tears and courage for them to get that far, but they are doing it.  It just doesn’t show yet, losing weight takes time.

That overweight person you are judging may recently have gone through a very traumatic experience, and is still in the process of dealing with it.  Comfort eating is still a big part of their life, but very soon they will learn to cope and kick your butt in the gym.

We are shamed for being fat, skinny, short, ugly, boobs that are too small, too big.  You name it, and someone will find a way to shame you.  Did you know there are fat shaming apps out there you can download on your phone?  Yeah no kidding!  Just to remind you that you have a few cuddly bits in case you forget.  So does all this fat shaming help?  Obviously not, from where I’m sitting it is making the whole world a worse place.  It is not enough that we have wars, famine and disease.  Now we have fat shaming as well, oh joy.  It prevents people from going out, causes depression and turns perfectly good people into introverts. Fat shaming causes more misery than it’s worth.

So don’t let the ignorant masses fat shame you.  There is no need to be ashamed, you are what you are, it is what it is.  And if you are not happy with who you are, here’s a hint: exercise.  A little action goes a long way!

1 comment:

  1. I think it is a fine line. Many use some imaginary illness as an excuse to drink two bottles of coke a day. I once had a girlfriend who said "It is in my gens" and I realized she will never do anything against her weight.Which eventually lead to me breaking up with her. I still feel bad about it because she just might have needed that last little bit of help. But I was young then.
    I assume people look down on fat people because as opposed to being black, they assume you have a chance to change being overweight. You can't change your skin color (Michael Jackson excluded) but "for fuck's sake loose some weight".
    Oh and nothing wrong with big boobs in my eyes.
